Neurosurgery is the specialty concerned with the surgical treatment of diseases of the nervous system composed of the brain, spinal cord and spinal column, as well as the nerves that travel through all parts of the body. Among medical specialties, neurosurgery is, by far one of the most technically advanced subject.
There is virtually no area of the brain where lesion cannot be approached with a high degree of safety and accuracy with modern techniques like image-guided surgery. The advent of techniques of minimally invasive surgery have contributed to a much shorter hospital stay and heightened patient comfort, while maximizing the efficacy of the procedure.
A large number of diseases previously considered untreatable for surgery are now being routinely managed with a high probability of success. This includes diseases like epilepsy, which were earlier treated only with medicines. There have been several exciting advances in the treatment of malignant brain tumours, spinal cord injuries, stroke, chronic pain, and severe head trauma that have significantly improved the results of treatment. The department is well-supported by other clinical services including Neurology, Oncology, Head and Neck Surgery, Endocrinology and Pathology.
The Department of Neurosurgery at Asgar Ali Hospital is fully equipped to perform all types of surgeries for a wide range of illnesses. These include:
Tumors of the brain, spine, and spinal cord
Traumatic and other spinal disorders
Congenital disorders
Brain and spine trauma
Congenital diseases of the brain and spine and other illnesses affecting children
Vascular diseases and malformations
Degenerative disc and other spinal diseases
Diseases of the pituitary gland
Stroke and haemorrhage in the brain and spinal cord
Neurooncology and skull base surgery
Paediatric Neurosurgery
Cerebrovascular surgery
Craniospinal trauma
Craniofacial reconstructive surgery