Department of Neonatology of Asgar Ali Hospital provides round-the-clock care to critically ill newborns and premature infants including those referred from other hospitals. We provide specialized care for children with a multitude of complex diseases, seamless access to any specialty services needed for newborns and infants. We provide state-of-art capabilities for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of extremely premature and medically fragile neonates.
The Department of Neonatology is steered by Prof. Dr. Zabrul SM Haque who is certified by American Board of Paediatrics.
Range of Services:
Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
Standby service for high risk deliveries
High risk and birth defect consultations
Newborn screening
Clinical screening of well babies
Neonatal neuro-development follow-up
Premature and low birth weight babies – ROP screening and treatment is routinely practice in AAH
Bed Categories:
Nursery Bed
NICU Level-1
NICU Level-2
NICU Level-3
We deal with Critical Patients like:
Respiratory distress syndrome
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Extreme prematurity (24-25 weeks gestation)
Pulmonary hypertension
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTN)
Birth injury & various neonatal surgical conditions
Perinatal asphyxia
Bilirubin encephalopathy
Congenital pneumonia
Air leak syndrome like- Pneumothorax, Pneumobilia
Chest tube placement
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Congenital heart disease
Genetic syndromes and metabolic disorders
Various procedure that is regard to ensure high level medical care to the babies, like – Ambelical line, PICC line, Radial line etc.
We provide most modern ventilation care like – high freequency oxylator.
Our centre is also capable of providing jet ventilators
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is frequently arranged to provide care to the very sick babies
Optimum cardiac support is also available for cyanotic & noncyanotic various cardiac defect
Our neonatal surgery department is capable of repairing congenital defect like Diaphragmatic Hernia, T-E fistula, open and various closed surgical conditions
Comprehensive Evaluations:
Pre-natal consultation with parents with high-risk pregnancies.
Lactation support for breast-feeding mothers of hospitalized infants.
Physical and occupational therapy for hospitalized neonates.
Nutrition consultation on patients receiving parenteral nutrition.